Finding your path in tech

Finding your path in tech

Tech is a broad area, and learning never ends. You can never learn everything at the same time; you put into practice what you are learning or have learned. You have to be interested and have a great passion for it.


Choosing a field to focus on in tech could be hard as there are so many options to choose from. That is why I will always suggest proper research about any language that catches your interest before starting the learning process. You have to figure out what learning method works for you, lengthy bides, short videos, documents, or books. Do not feel pressured or rush; move at your own pace. Don't be carried away by other people's learning rate or projects displayed. You will get there soon with time; do not be hard on yourself and also be patient.

It is important to have a road map - a path you want to follow in your learning - else, you would be moving in circles and not know what to do next. A road map can be course outlines, videos divided into sections, books divided into chapters. Do not ever think your learning is slow. Move at your pace and be proud of every little win.

Connect with people who are in your stack of interest, so when you are stuck, you would be able to reach out and be able to help. Make Google your best friend; it is in no way a form of cheating. Google your problems, search everywhere, and learn new things that will shape you. If you search google and you don't find a solution, then you can reach out to gurus to help.

Be open, be free. If you don't know something, please, reach out and do not feel shy. Always feel free to ask for help, and remember to be explicit with your questions while reaching out, go straight to the point. Do not feel you aren't good enough to apply for a role or give solutions, that mindset kills and can bring regrets later. Shake off the fear and apply, the worst that could happen is you get a 'no'. If your qualifications meet 35% of the requirements apply.

Attend meetups, webinars, and events, there is a lot to gain, and you also get to network with people. You cannot survive as a loner in tech, expand your tentacles. Saying a shy 'Hi' to someone at an event won't take anything from you.

Be current; know about the latest trends in your field. You don't necessarily have to change stacks; be aware of the latest developments.

Learn one thing at the same time; do not learn many things simultaneously to avoid confusion. If you feel you aren't getting the codes right and the results aren't encouraging enough, You can either change your learning approach or change your field. If you usually engage videos, you can try using docs or online courses that require you to read.

Join a tech community: having to be among a group of people that are from different backgrounds but connected in tech helps one grow a lot. My skills, networks, and where I am today is because of people in my community. They are always ready to help and accept you the way you are.

To wrap it up, tech is amazing and I would love to see you at the top